Hans Olaf Egeberg

Hans Olaf Egeberg

Mann 1875 - 1933  (58 år)    Has no ancestors but 16 descendants in this family tree.

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  • Navn Hans Olaf Egeberg 
    Kallenavn Hans Olaf Ovesen 
    Fødsel 1 Feb 1875  Egeberg, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [1
    Dåp 14 Mar 1875  Trøgstad Kirke, Skjønhaug, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [1
    Kjønn Mann 
    Folketelling 31 Des 1875  Egeberg, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [2
    Konfirmasjon 13 Okt 1889  Trøgstad Kirke, Skjønhaug, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [3
    Folketelling 1891  Tosebygda, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [4
    Utdannelse 1895  Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Studentene fra 1895 : biografiske opplysninger samlet i anledning av 50-årsjubileet 1945
    Studentene fra 1895 : biografiske opplysninger samlet i anledning av 50-årsjubileet 1945
    Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1933

    Studenterne fra 1895 : biografiske oplysninger samlet til 25-aars-jubilæet 1920, side 1 av 2.
    Studenterne fra 1895 : biografiske oplysninger samlet til 25-aars-jubilæet 1920, side 1 av 2.
    Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1933

    Studenterne fra 1895 : biografiske oplysninger samlet til 25-aars-jubilæet 1920, side 2 av 2.
    Studenterne fra 1895 : biografiske oplysninger samlet til 25-aars-jubilæet 1920, side 2 av 2.
    Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1933

    Emigrasjon 11 Okt 1900  Oslo, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [5
    • Til New York.
    Nasjonalitet 15 Okt 1904  Chicago, Illinois, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [6
    USA, naturaliseringsregister, 1791-1992 (registrerade i World Archives Project) Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa.
    USA, naturaliseringsregister, 1791-1992 (registrerade i World Archives Project) Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa.
    Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1933

    Folketelling 1910  Monroe Street, Gary Ward 2, Lake County, Indiana, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [7
    1910 års federala folkräkning i USA för Hans Olaf Egeberg, 
Indiana, Lake, Gary Ward 2, District 0034.
    1910 års federala folkräkning i USA för Hans Olaf Egeberg, Indiana, Lake, Gary Ward 2, District 0034.
    Head: Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1933
    Wife: Ulrikke Christine Rostrup Nielsen 1869-1934
    Child: Roger Olaf Egeberg 1903-1997
    Child: Gudrun Egeberg 1906-1969

    Militæret 9 Sep 1918  Gary, Lake County, Indiana, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [8
    WW1 - World War 1 
    USA, Mönstringskort från första världskriget, 1917–1918 för Hans Olof Egeberg, Indiana, Gary City, 1, Draft Card E.
    USA, Mönstringskort från första världskriget, 1917–1918 för Hans Olof Egeberg, Indiana, Gary City, 1, Draft Card E.
    Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1933

    Folketelling 1920  Jackson Street Harrison 712, Gary Ward 2, Lake County, Indiana, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [9
    1920 års federala folkräkning i USA för Hans Olaf Egeberg, Indiana, 
Lake, Gary Ward 2, District 0097.
    1920 års federala folkräkning i USA för Hans Olaf Egeberg, Indiana, Lake, Gary Ward 2, District 0097.
    Head: Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1933
    Wife: Ulrikke Christine Rostrup Nielsen 1869-1934
    Child: Roger Olaf Egeberg 1903-1997
    Child: Gudrun Egeberg 1906-1969

    Folketelling 1930  Jackson Street Harrison 712, Gary Ward 2, Lake County, Indiana, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [10
    USA:s federala folkräkning från 1930 för Hans Olaf Egeberg, Indiana, Lake, Gary, District 0019.
    USA:s federala folkräkning från 1930 för Hans Olaf Egeberg, Indiana, Lake, Gary, District 0019.
    Head: Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1933
    Wife: Ulrikke Christine Rostrup Nielsen 1869-1934
    Child: Gudrun Egeberg 1906-1969
    Child: Lawrence Egeberg ? Hvem er dette?


    Yrke Ingeniør 
    Hans Olaf Egeberg
    Død 21 Sep 1933  Gary, Lake County, Indinana, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Begravelse Ridgelawn Cemetery, Gary, Lake County, Indiana, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet  [11
    Find A Grave Memorial - Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875 - 1933
    Find A Grave Memorial - Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875 - 1933
    Gravsteiner Submit Headstone Photo Submit Headstone Photo 
    Person ID P1370  SlektenBeyer | Bokhandelslinjen
    Sist endret 15 Sep 2021 

    Familie Aner Ulrikke Christine Rostrup Nielsen,   f. 12 Aug 1869, Jomfrugata 5, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 9 Aug 1934, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 64 år) 
    Ekteskap 14 Aug 1897  Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Age at Marriage He : 22 år og 6 months - She : 28 år. 
     1. Ove Harald Egeberg,   f. 30 Sep 1901, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 2 Sep 1902, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 0 år)
    +2. Roger Olaf Egeberg,   f. 13 Nov 1902, Chicago, Illinois, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 12 Sep 1997, Wasingthon, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 94 år)
    Gift: 1x3. Gudrun Egeberg,   f. 9 Jun 1906, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 3 Jun 1969, Los Angeles, United States Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 62 år)
    Famile ID F495  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram
    Sist endret 15 Sep 2021 

  • Hendelseskart Klikk for å skjule
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 1 Feb 1875 - Egeberg, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDåp - 14 Mar 1875 - Trøgstad Kirke, Skjønhaug, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsFolketelling - 31 Des 1875 - Egeberg, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsKonfirmasjon - 13 Okt 1889 - Trøgstad Kirke, Skjønhaug, Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsUtdannelse - Student - 1895 - Norway Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsEkteskap - 14 Aug 1897 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsEmigrasjon - 11 Okt 1900 - Oslo, Norway Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsBarn - Ove Harald Egeberg - 30 Sep 1901 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsBarn - Roger Olaf Egeberg - 13 Nov 1902 - Chicago, Illinois, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsNasjonalitet - 15 Okt 1904 - Chicago, Illinois, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsBarn - Gudrun Egeberg - 9 Jun 1906 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsFolketelling - 1910 - Monroe Street, Gary Ward 2, Lake County, Indiana, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsFolketelling - 1920 - Jackson Street Harrison 712, Gary Ward 2, Lake County, Indiana, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsFolketelling - 1930 - Jackson Street Harrison 712, Gary Ward 2, Lake County, Indiana, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDød - 21 Sep 1933 - Gary, Lake County, Indinana, United States Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsBegravelse - - Ridgelawn Cemetery, Gary, Lake County, Indiana, United States Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 
    Tegnforklaring  : Adresse       : Lokasjon       : By       : Fylke/Grevskap       : Stat/Provins       : Land       : Ikke satt

  • Bilder
    USA, passansökningar, 1795-1925 för Hans Olaf Egeberg,
Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925,
1924, Roll 2469 - Certificates: 391850-392349, 11 Apr 1924-11 Apr 1924.
    USA, passansökningar, 1795-1925 för Hans Olaf Egeberg, Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925, 1924, Roll 2469 - Certificates: 391850-392349, 11 Apr 1924-11 Apr 1924.
    Hans Olaf Egeberg 1875-1932


  • Notater 
    • HANS OLAF EGEBERG. Perhaps there is no position in the industrial life of our country that demands greater tact, diplomacy, courage and knowledge of general conditions and of human nature than that of the individual who must act as the intermediary between the employer and employe. There are, as there always have been and always will be, differences between those who control our large corporations and those who are of the so-called working class. So to keep the machinery of trade and industry oiled in a manner that there will be no great friction and that it will continue to function in a smooth-running way is no light task, and in this connection mention should be made of Hans Olaf Egeberg, who in the capacity of superintendent of employment of the Illinois Steel Company, at Gary, has established a record for his ability in averting serious labor troubles.

      Mr. Egeberg was born in Norway, February 1, 1875, and is a son of Ove and Pauline (Kausebohl) Egeberg. Ove Egeberg was born in Norway, where he acquired a high school education, and as a young man engaged in farming for his life work, being occupied therein with success for many years. He was a man of importance in his community, where he served as a member of the Municipal Council, and was also active in the movements and charities of the Lutheran Church. He died in 1920, his wife having passed away in 1912, and both are buried in the Trogstad Cemetery, Norway. There were ten children in the family, of whom seven died in infancy, the three surviving being Hans Olaf, of this review; Tora, who is now Mrs. Kvilesjoe, of Norway; and Laurentze, now Mrs. Golden, of Norway.

      Hans O. Egeberg was give good educational advantages in his youth, his father being a man of substance, and after graduating from high school pursued a course at the University of Norway, Oslo, from which he was graduated as a member of the class of 1895. This was supplemented by a course at the University of Dresden, Germany, and he then came to the United States and entered Cornell University, from which he received the degree of Civil Engineer as a member of the class of 1900. In that year Mr. Egeberg accepted a position with the Scherzer Rolling Mills, Chicago, with which he was identified for one year, and in 1901 became identified with the South Chicago Works of the Illinois Steel Company, in the capacity of inspector. He remained in that capacity until February 1, 1907, when he came to Gary to engage in construction work for the same company, and also traveled for some time in the inspection of construction materials. Mr. Egeberg next joined the operating department, which employment he retained until 1914, when he was made superintendent of the employment department, with offices on Virginia Street, and this post he has held to the present. Labor, in political economy, may be defined as effort for the satisfying of human needs. It is one of the three leading factors in production, the other two, being land and capital, and in the vast circle of industry labor has a great variety of functions. The solution of the questions connected therewith is now universally regarded as a most pressing duty of statesmen and economists, but there must also be men, like Mr. Egeberg, who come into direct contact with the problems, and who have first-hand knowledge of how to meet crisis or to avert them in a way of an amicable settlement. It has been Mr. Egeberg's fortune to have gained and held the respect of the employes of the company, while at the same time protecting the interests of the concern which he represents. Fraternally he is affiliated with Roosevelt Lodge, A.F. and A.M., and South Chicago Chapter, R.A.M.; and also belongs to the Commercial Club and Chamber of Commerce of Gary, the Gary Country Club and the Young Men's Christian Association. Politically he is a Republican, without desire for public preferment. He is active in civic affairs as a good citizen and during the World war took a prominent part in all drive.

      At Chicago, Illinois, August 14, 1897, Mr. Egeberg was united in marriage with Miss Ulrikka Christine Nielsen, daughter of Harald and Fredrikke (Jensen) Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen were actors who were well known in their day, particularly in Norway, where they had a wide vogue in Ibsen dramas. Mr. Nielsen died in 1880, while his widow survived him until 1912, and both are buried in Bergen, Norway. Mrs. Egeberg received a high school education in Norway, and at Chicago became a private instructor in physical education. For a time after her marriage to Mr. Egeberg she continued her work in this direction, but has since abandoned it and now devotes herself to her home, although she is also active and popular as a member of the Woman's Club. To Mr. and Mrs. Egeberg there were born three children: Ove, who died at the age of one year; Dr. Roger Olaf and Gudrun. Roger Olaf Egeberg attended the public schools of Gary and Francis Parker High School, Chicago, following which he entered Cornell University and graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts as a member of the class of 1925. He then enrolled at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, from which he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine as a member of the class of 1928. He pursued his interneship at Wesley Hospital and Passavant Hospital, both of Chicago, and is now a medical instructor at the University of Michigan, although his home is at Chicago. He is a member of the leading organizations of his profession and has already displayed the possession of qualities that should carry him far in the vocation of his choice. Doctor Egeberg married Miss Margaret Chahoon, of Grandmire, Quebec, Canada. Miss Gudrun Egeberg, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Egeberg, attended Francis Parker High School, Chicago, from which she was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts as a member of the class of 1928. She is now engaged in investigation work for the Illinois State Hospital, located at (Dunning) Chicago, an institution for those who are mentally deranged.

      By Charles Roll, A.M.
      The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931 [12]

  • Kilder 
    1. [S1331] ØFO-TRØGSTAD MINI-I09 (1865-1877), (https://media.digitalarkivet.no/), 15 Sep 2021, https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20050630010710 (Troverdighet: 3).

    2. [S1333] ØFO-TRØGSTAD PRESTEGJELD 0122 FOLKETELLING (1875), (https://media.digitalarkivet.no/), 15 Sep 2021, https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01052016000634 (Troverdighet: 2).

    3. [S1332] ØFO-TRØGSTAD MINI-I10 (1878-1898), (https://media.digitalarkivet.no/), 15 Sep 2021, https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060908020454 (Troverdighet: 3).

    4. [S1330] ØFO-TRØGSTAD HERRED 0122 FOLKETELLING (1891), (https://media.digitalarkivet.no/), 15 Sep 2021, https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01052681000893 (Troverdighet: 2).

    5. [S503] OSL-EMIGRANTER OVER KRISTIANIA (1871-1930), (http://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/), 15 Sep 2021, https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/8/pe00000001052944 (Troverdighet: 2).

    6. [S977] USA-STATSBORGERSKAP, 15 Sep 2021, https://slektenbeyer.com/showmedia.php?mediaID=3122&medialinkID=4182 (Troverdighet: 2).

    7. [S504] USA-FOLKETELLING (1910), 15 Sep 2021, https://slektenbeyer.com/showmedia.php?mediaID=3118&medialinkID=4169 (Troverdighet: 2).

    8. [S817] USA-MILITERET, 15 Sep 2021, https://slektenbeyer.com/showmedia.php?mediaID=3121&medialinkID=4181 (Troverdighet: 2).

    9. [S375] USA-FOLKETELLING (1920), 15 Sep 2021, https://slektenbeyer.com/showmedia.php?mediaID=3119&medialinkID=4173 (Troverdighet: 2).

    10. [S376] USA-FOLKETELLING (1930), 15 Sep 2021, https://slektenbeyer.com/showmedia.php?mediaID=3120&medialinkID=4177 (Troverdighet: 2).

    11. [S390] USA-GRAVLAGTE, 15 Sep 2021, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/161851192/hans-olaf-egeberg (Troverdighet: 2).

    12. [S1] WEB-KILDER SOM PEKER TIL WEBSIDER, (http://www), 15. februar 2016, http://debmurray.tripod.com/indiana/indbioref-49.htm (Troverdighet: 2).

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